The Ministerium


We are committed to breaking down every barrier and forming a diverse, formidable coalition with others who are as committed as we are to providing vanguard for widows and children...the most vulnerable among us. This is the mantle of the prophet of old. We fight for those that cannot easily fight for themselves.

about US

The Ministerium (Circa 2018) is a new diverse group of Indiana pastors and faith leaders who advocate for the relief of the most vulnerable in Indiana. Through strategy and creative presence at The Indiana State Legislature and work on specific issues and projects, pragmatic social justice impact has been made and lives of those marginalized are receiving needed help and hope.
This group was concieved after a meeting at a local elementary school that was attended by founders Dr. Preston Adams (Amazing Grace Christian Church), Ivan Douglas Hicks, Ph.D. (First Baptist Church North Indianapolis), Pastor Richard Reynolds (New Revelation Christian Church) and Reverend Timothy Taylor, Pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church.
Agreement was reached immediately that The Ministerium should grow to be statewide and be intentional about reaching across any divide to accomplish common goals that bring about better life chances and life possibilities for those historically disenfranchised.
Preston Adams - Eduction Chair
Richard Reynolds - Public Policy Chair
Timothy Taylor - Convener
Ivan Douglas Hicks - Secretariat Ministerium